11/10/2017 Anna


Trip to Hobart

We had a day trip to Hobart with Felicity. We left Tasdance early morning. I was very sleepy so looking out of the window for a while. There was a subtle change of colours between grey and yellow.

We stopped at Campbelltown. There was a lovely pie place called ZEPS. There was a queue inside. People looked like a mixture of workers and family maybe having a holiday. A little girl was rolling left and rolling right along the pie glass case.

We were talking about family, dance training, hometown and so on in the car. There was a really large square car in front of us but it’s too narrow to overtake which was so frustrating. It’s surprising the road has only one lane on a high way that seems many people use.

After Felicity successfully overtook, there was a beefy four wheels farming car appeared. I’ve never knew those strange shape car exist.

I saw a beautiful curvy mountain through the front glass. We already arrived in Hobart CBD. Hobart felt much bigger than Launceston. Felicity took us to lovely little housing area above Salamanca Arts Centre. It’s all built in circle and a little old park in the centre. Felicity said these houses have been here since the first British colony arrived. That is why the size is so small compared to now. She said also Tasdance residence. I didn’t realise the size of our Tasdance accommodation is smaller than usual. After we returned from Hobart, I stood in front of the accommodation and yes, the entrance door was exactly my height.

I and Reina explore Salamanca Arts Centre. It had beautiful craft and design shops. I bought a little glass/wood gift and Reina got really cute handmade mohair beanie from knitting shop. It was fun.

Felicity went to a meeting and we went to Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. We saw a photo, video and skeleton of Tasmanian tiger. They looked like no other animals. It had a big head like dinosaur but tiger body. The stripe was on bottom half of torso not around neck and shoulder.

We found a mouse push toy left on a stair case. It must be someone dropped and forgotten. The mouse looked absorbed plenty of sweat from anonymous baby. It looked similar to Reina’s mouse. She has one right next to her pillow.

We went to MONA ferry station. The staff said the ferry just left so we have to wait for 1hr 30mins. We little disappointed but then a bus driver came and he said he is happy to take us now. He spoke in Japanese to us. He said I look like a tour guide. We took bus instead but it was good that we had a plenty of time to look at MONA. I thought MONA is on an island so I confused going by bus but it is peninsula.


As soon as we entered the building I was asked to put my backpack into a locker. It seems front of house people in any museum in Tasmania are very good at looking grumpy at you if you have a backpack.

We started from temporary exhibition ‘The museum of everything’. There were surprisingly many people. I was so impressed MONA is inviting many visitors. A mobile device for plaque was easy and smooth to use. It was interesting to listen to David Walsh’s explanations. Without plaque create completely different pattern of movement in the museum.

Each room felt quite small because of people, old furniture and installation. There were some works I liked and I really hated. I and Reina sat down at the end and we talked how we felt. Some works I liked were also Reina liked. It was interesting. I was already quite tired looking at the first exhibition.


We went up stairs. This level was having permanent collection. The staff said they change and move works quite often in the permanent part too. I smelled cloaca machine straight way. It was taking over in half of that level because it was pooping time. I was hungry before I went upstairs but I felt immediately I don’t want to eat anything right now. This was very intense experience in this museum.

I and Reina sat down on a couch and we talked about how we felt. We decided to go back permanent collection to see some works which we have missed (you can check by using the mobile device). We found one work that we liked. We also found there was a performance and interactive work. We tried a mirror drawing.  That was fun. The drawings we have done were scanned by staff and he said this will be sent to 10 miles away. I didn’t ask where the 10 miles away is.


I was still sick of poop smell so we went outside and sat at James Turrell’s work. I always like his work somehow. Felicity arrived and we got on the car. We started to drive. We talked about what we saw and Felicity said we have missed ‘Death Gallery’ which is in a special room. Felicity asked if we want to go back to museum again to watch the installation and I said yes.

We met MOFO’s director Ritchie and the festival producer on the way to visit permanent collection 3rd time for today.  While waiting for a queue to go into the Death Gallery, Felicity asked us if we can dance under a light installation.


The light bulb’s movement is run by each people’s heart beats. You can hold a grip and it finds your heart beat rhythm and memorised. We tried my choreography which is developing at the moment, working with Reina’s body strength and breath. There were many noises but somehow easier to concentrate than a quiet space which was a discovery. I could feel Reina and space very well.

We said hi to Rob who is Tasdance dancer and works at the MONA restaurant.

Felicity saw our run through yesterday. She gave us a beautiful feedback in the car. I was really really happy to know what she thought and how she felt. It was special time to hear and know about her.
